Here are great words from great people – they run parallel to the journey of our class, so far.

“Poverty is a kind of violence, the worst kind.” – Gandhi


“Humans are at their worst when they are least accountable for their actions” – M. Scott Peck, M.D.,


“A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within.” – W. Durant


“Do to others as you would have them do to you.” – “The Golden Rule” per – Confucious, Buddha, Socrates, Jesus, (roughly paraphrased).  


“The arc of history is long, but it bends towards justice” – Martin Luther King, Jr. 

The Jurisprudence of Fiddler on the Roof

Watch Tevye create new law:

New Material is Posted

There’s a new menu above: “The USA Founding Documents”

These contain America’s Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights (the first ten amendments to the constitution).

You can look at images of the actual documents or you can read the text in MS-Word documents.


More is on the way!

New Material Posted

There’s a new menu above: “The USA Founding Documents”

These contain America’s Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights (the first ten amendments to the constitution).

You can look at images of the actual documents or you can read the text in MS-Word documents.


More is on the way!


My First New Blog Post

Tim Kane
Handy Notes:
First to go into wordpress:
  1. just type
  2. enter username: timkanejd
  3. enter password: standard elaborate
  4. move cursor over picture sillouette in upper right, then click on timothykanejd
  5. Move cursor over picture silhouette in upper right to see all blogs
    1. To get to the dashboard, mouse(cursor) over the pict-silhouette then mouse over a blog (notice when you mouse over blog you see your address in lower left corner)
    2. Selections emerge just to the left, click on dashboard
  1. contains:
    1. Content: post, page, categories, tags,
    2. Discussion:  options.
  2. Major sections can be shrunk by clicking on the right edge of the label. You can also move them
On the far left menu board, click “Posts” (it has thumb tack icon next to it),
     You can click “all posts”,  then click on a post
  1. You should see the main “visual” wysiwyg editor. (Next to it, you can see the HTML).
    1. It provides text editing options

Paragraph tools: (Far Right button provides more tools: such as centralfull justificiation and underlining)

  1. Justification rules: left, center, right.
Publish Section: (word press saves a draft, but doesn’t publish until you hit the blue [can preview click preview button])
  1. Publish or update button
  2. Status and visibilit
  3. Publish button date: post date or set date for publish.
  4. Always click the update button
Tags and Catagories
  1. Catagories:
    1. Large constantly used concepts: Politics, Sports, Entertainment
  2. Tags: Something much quicker, but used less often (quick and transient)
    1. Say, you are talking about politics, and you post on Barak Obama, then tag, Barak Obama. State of the Union, Television, and then click “add”.
      1. You can add more, just by typing them in and then add. It helps users to search your blog
      2. You can remove them by clicking the x next to a tag.
Post Options: Go to the upper right corner and click on “Screen Options” 
  • These show up at the top of the page
    1. Excerpt: is an option that allows certain themes to show a shortened version of post for especially mobile blogs, for viewing in mobile device.
      1. Consider getting a different scheme
      2. You have to write the summary
      3. Has to be done independently for each post, it is not automatic
    1. Trackbacks:
      1. is the way blogs notify each other that they have linked between each other
      2. when you see a post you like, you can link back to it.  Allows you to know who linked back to your post
        1. Two sections
          1. Comments – shows you a list of all comments made on your post
          2. Discussion –
    1. Slugs: under permalinks
      1. The slug is the part of the permalink that is tied to that specific posting
      2. This option allows you to change the slug if you want it to be something else: sometimes the machine made one is inappropriate
    2. Revisions
      1. Show any changes made to your post at any time.
      2. This allows you to tell who, if anyone has made any changes to a post if in a team environment

Media: Uploading and Downloading of video excedera

  1. Theres a library in the media section that list all of the media that you have uploaded to word press
    1. Videos
    2. Images
    3. Word Documents
    4. Power Point Presentations
  2. Limitations on volume for uploads
    1. WordPress.Com
      1. Limits to uploads at once 1 gigbyte per file
      2. Total Size you have available to you: 3gigabyte avialiable.
  3. Adding New Media: can be done in a number of different places
    1. you can add media as you make web post to that post
    2. Or you can upload all your media at once to the library, and then use it as necessary
      1.  Above the “visual/HTML” editor there is a button next to: “Upload/Insert” (add media button) :
        1. You can upload the media as your are looking at the post, and you can easily change your mind
        2. Add new media as you want to
      2. Click the “upload/Insert” (add media button)
        1. A new panel should appear
          1. Note that it has a list of all the file types allowed to you
          2. It also gives you a notice of the max size of the file you can upload, but you can upload as many files as you like
        2. To upload you can “drag and drop” on to the window, or you can press the select files button – to select multiple files at once
          1. There are options that allow you to
            1. Change the title
            2. Alternate text (for compatibility issues for unorhthodox
            3. Captions that popup when you move the mouse over it
          2. Alignment into the text when you put it into the document
          3. Pick size
        3. the Link URL is the link to your ability to show this image on any other website
  4. Links: Creating Hypertext
    1. Highlight text
    2. Click the link button (icon looks like a chain link, kinda sorta)
    3. You’ll be able to add a link to the text, creating hypertext
  5. Menu Links button
    1. A list of links to things or people you are interested in or places that you like
    2. these are all links that you can add to the side of your page later on when we work with widgets
      1. links
      2. blogroll
      3. You can section off the side bar of your page to certain links you are interested in or people who are your friends

Hello world!


Before going to see Michele's sons concert, roughly around 2011 or 2012

Before going to see Michele’s sons concert, roughly around 2011 or 2012


Welcome to! This is your very first post. Click the Edit link to modify or delete it, or start a new post. If you like, use this post to tell readers why you started this blog and what you plan to do with it.

Happy blogging!

  1. Banana
  2. Bread
  • Milk
  • Potato
  1. I like ice cream

Paragraph tools:

  1. Justification rules: left, center, right.